Thursday, July 23, 2009

KSL Interview

I am so excited because I did an interview with Candice Madsen for KSL this morning! My cute twin sister and niece Annie helped me get ready for my big T.V. debut and my mom and I ventured down to the KSL studios. Being around horses and maneur all the time, I usually wear my dirty cowboy boots, so this morning in heels was a big change from my daily routing...and I have the blisters to prove it. Filming was fun and I think I said everything I wanted to say about the book. I was a little nervous, but it hopefully it will turn out great. Candace said she would call and let me know when our segment will air, but it will probably be sometime tomorrow.
Candice Madsen and I filming my segment
As soon as I hear, I will post it so you can tune in to KSL channel 5 and hear about The Power of a Penny.

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